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You are kindly advised to read โ€‹CSS Processing before continuing.

Inline Styles#

Inline styles set via the HTML โ€‹style attribute are processed by the โ€‹@native-html/css-processor library. You don't need to wonder if a CSS property will break your app: the CSS processor acts as a compatibility layer between React Native styles and CSS properties. This library gives you leverage on inline CSS processing via multiple props:


Disable inline styles processing altogether.


Whitelist the camel-cased CSS properties that you wish to be included.


Blacklist the camel-cased CSS properties that you wish to be excluded.

Let's try it out:

Minimal Inline Styles Example
import React from 'react';
import { useWindowDimensions } from 'react-native';
import RenderHtml from 'react-native-render-html';
const source = {
html: `<p style="color: purple; font-size: 2rem;">
<span style="text-align: center; text-decoration-line: underline;">
Hello world!
export default function App() {
const { width } = useWindowDimensions();
return (
Press on the button below to show how this code renders on your device.


The โ€‹RenderHTML component has four props to customize elements styles:


The styles for the root component. Inheritable styles will be inherited by all children.


Target elements with the HTML โ€‹id attribute.


Target elements with the HTML โ€‹class attribute;


Target elements by tag name.

Each of these props is a record mapping identifiers with a โ€‹MixedStyleDeclaration.


There is not (yet) ways to provide CSS selectors to target elements. Because it would require a full-featured CSS parser to build an AST, this feature might be supported in the future with an extension.

Mixed Style Records#


A mixed style declaration is an object similar to โ€‹StyleSheet's create method argument values. However, it supports a blend of React Native ViewStyle, TextStyle and camel-cased CSS properties. See โ€‹CSS Processing for a complete reference.

A mixed styles declaration record.
const tagsStyles = {
body: {
whiteSpace: 'normal',
color: 'gray'
a: {
color: 'green'

In the above snippet, mixed-style declarations are the objects defined as values of the tagsStyles record. A few important comments:

  1. Line 2. The โ€‹<body> will always be present and can be confidently targeted, event when missing in the HTML snippet.

  2. Line 3. This is the default property, with the exception of โ€‹<pre> and a few other tags.

  3. Line 4. Thanks to CSS inheritence, all textual children of โ€‹<body> will default to this property.

  4. Line 7. The โ€‹TRE implements CSS specificity. A rule targetting the โ€‹<a> element will override rules defined for its ancestors (in this case, โ€‹<body>).


You should never provide styles from React Native โ€‹StyleSheet. These will not work.


Running The Mixed Style
import React from 'react';
import { useWindowDimensions } from 'react-native';
import RenderHtml from 'react-native-render-html';
const source = {
html: `
<p style="text-align:center;">
Hello world!
<a href="#">A link!</a>
const tagsStyles = {
body: {
whiteSpace: 'normal',
color: 'gray'
a: {
color: 'green'
export default function App() {
const { width } = useWindowDimensions();
return (
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